Good News/Bad News - The Burnout Diaries CH2 Part 2

Hello Lovelies,

Well, which one is it? The right hand or the left? You can only pick one!

I’m kidding, you can have both the good and bad news. 

Let’s start with the bad. I always pick the bad first in order to get it out of the way, does that say something deep and meaningful about me? 

So the Bad News: no YouTube video this week. But it’s kind of good as to why.

The Good News: I am feeling infinitely better than last week. 

Well, let’s scale down infinity just a tad. I would say I’m at around 60%, up from maybe 20%. I can read and write much more easily, I am starting to have conversations for longer than 10 minutes without feeling unbelievable pressure on my temples, and I cooked my first proper meal in weeks (a creamy Ghibli-style chunky stew using whatever didn’t smell in my fridge, see below for photo-evidence).

This has meant I’ve been able to catch up on my business course, but very, VERY slowly. Hence why no YouTube video this week. The beauty of online study is you can catch up if you fall behind, but assessments were approaching, as well as the census date. The end of this week marked the Almighty Decision Date: do I defer a semester or can I catch up?

And I caught up, yay! 

I did have a headache all week while I was catching up due to reading and comprehending the materials, but still, I caught up! (Yay!)

I’ve never been so proud of a fridge stew <3

I have also begun planning my YouTube/social media/website content a little differently. I love vlogs but what I would really like to do is some projects I’ve had planned for months or years. So I’ve been busy scribbling messy notes in little notepads and texting myself between the hours of being a student and it’s made me excited about the upcoming months. 

But I decided not to push it this week and did not make a video to accompany this blog post. I have been writing this post for only a few minutes and my right eye is already hurting, my forehead is hurting and my whole head is, believe it or not, hurting. I am making strides in overcoming burnout but the jungle through which I am striding sometimes has vines that wrap their tendrils around my legs and yoink me back into reality, which is more akin to a Bladerunner urban dystopia where all the neon and digital signs glaringly advertise for “Stoppage of the Strides”. 

Wow. That’s what burnout will do to your creative writing. Sorry. 

Anyway, next week will hopefully mark another stride forward and I can start actually, like, doing stuff? *insert shrugging emoji*

x Siobhan 


I tried the “ideal” work routine ~ The Burnout Diaries CH3 (final chapter)


Slow Morning Routine - the Burnout Diaries CH2